Ken Nilsen, PE, from PACE’s Kirkland office, presented with the City of Bothell and BergerABAM at the American Public Works Association’s (APWA) 2017 Fall Conference in Kennewick, WA. Their presentation was entitled, “Is Environmental Restoration and Development Compatible? – A Case Study on Horse Creek.”
This project was initiated when the City of Bothell began planning for their Downtown Revitalization, which included a quasi-public/private partnership for the redevelopment of 25 acres of City-owned property within the downtown core, as well as the investment in numerous public infrastructure projects. The City-led infrastructure improvements included stream daylighting, fish passable culverts/bridges, reconstructed roadway and sidewalks, new sewer and water mains, a new direct discharge storm pipe system that allows developers to connect to the storm system without detention upon payment of a capital facilities charge, addressing contaminated groundwater/soil, and numerous public amenities.