PACE updated Point Roberts Water District’s Water System Plan to comply with Department of Health requirements. We evaluated the existing system conditions, projected ten and 20-year water demands, and developed a schedule and financial plan for upgrades. Point Roberts can only be accessed through Canada or by boat or plane, and while under COVID lockdown, demands were at an all-time low due to the inaccessibility of the location. Assessing the growth and demands of the system was challenging, so PACE worked with the district and analyzed historic usage to determine a solution for projecting forward growth.  The PACE team collected and analyzed existing data, conducted on-site investigations, and updated the district’s service area basemaps. The PACE team worked with the Department of Health to ensure the necessary items were included in the Plan as the system receives source water from an international intertie with Metro Vancouver.   We evaluated and analyzed all data to identify sound recommendations for capital improvements and provide financing alternatives. The team maintained open communication with the district’s design team to track and monitor progress throughout this process.




Client Name

Point Roberts Water District #4


Point Roberts, WA


  • Water System Planning
  • Hydraulic Modeling
  • Surveying